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A Doctors Abroad Csapata
Tanácsok és tippek külföldi orvosi munkavállaláshoz a Doctors Abroad Healthcare Consulting-tól
Doctors: 10 vacancies currently
- Sports Medicine Doctors -Minimum 5 years experience, specializing in sports -Minimum 5 years proven Experience in Club & Federation clubs -English Language must be fluent -Benefit Package: Excellent Salary Range and Benefit Package available Overview Grade 3 Base Salary Range: QR 21,902 - 44,743/mo (1.322.000-2.702.000 HUF/mo) -Housing: 15,000/mo (Married) 905.850 HUF/mo -11,250/mo (Single) 678.375 HUF/mo -Transportation: 2,000 120.780 HUF/mo -Mobile Communication Allowance: 600/mo 36.234 HUF/mo -Relocation: QR 10,950 (Married) 661.270 HUF -QR 5,475 (Single) – 330.635 HUF -Education Allowance for dependent children: QR 27,710/yr per child dependent under the age of 18. 1.673.406 HUF/year -Travel Ticket: Economy Class (with family) -Annual Leave: 40 days -Furniture Grant & Maintenance available Grade 6: -Housing: 12,500/mo (Married) 754.875 HUF/mo
- 9,375/mo (Single)
566.156 HUF/mo
-Transportation: 1,500 90.585 HUF/mo
- Mobile Communication Allowance: 400/mo 24.156 HUF/mo
-Relocation: QR 7,300 (Married) 440.847 HUF
3,650 (Single)
220.423 HUF
-Education Allowance for dependent children: QR 23,900/yr per child dependent under the age of 18. 1.443.321 HUF -Travel Ticket: Economy Class (with family) -Annual Leave: 40 days -Furniture Grant & Maintenance available Grade 8: Base Salary Range: QR 6,758 - 16,539/mo (408.115 -998.790 HUF/mo) -Housing: 10,000/mo (Married) 603.900 HUF/mo -7,500/Mo (Single) 452.925 HUF/mo -Transportation:1,400 84.546 HUF/mo -Mobile Communication Allowance: 200/mo 12.078 HUF/mo -Relocation: QR 7,300 (Married) -QR 3,650 (Single) -Education Allowance for dependent children: QR 23,900/yr per child dependent under the age of 18. 1.443.321 HUF/year -Travel Ticket: Economy Class (with family) -Annual Leave: 40 days -Furniture Grant & Maintenance available |